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How To Choose Your SOC Provider?

· SOC,Security Centre,SOC Provider,Managed SOC,Managed Security

According to a survey, 65% respondents believe that the severity of cyber-attacks has increased over the last year and 57% believe that the time and costs associated with it have increased too. With the proliferation of data threats, faced by numerous businesses; small, medium or large, organisations are looking for SOC providers that fit their budgets and are able to provide them with high-quality services.

The requirement of a third-party security fortification is a result of a lack of trained professionals who can help identify threats and work proactively to prevent them from damaging company data and reputation.

In the absence of an in-house experienced professional SOC and well-equipped cyber security team and in the presence of an environment of critical threats, the importance of third-party experts of London SOC seem to have become increasingly important.

Here’s what to look for when selecting a SOC Provider:

How To Choose Your SOC Provider

Level of complexity​

Managed detection and response has become increasingly important in light of new threats. The system is not only limited to the recognition of threats, but it should also be able to provide prevention and response in case of a calamity or disaster.

The vendor selected to provide security to your organisation should be able to provide a comprehensive, an all encompassing security package against ransom ware, breach of data, disaster recovery and incident response.

Analysis of threats in real-time​

One of the primary tasks of an SOC includes real time monitoring of threats, using forensics and detection services. A 24/7 surveillance system is a necessity of a top quality SOC.

Your security staff may not be able to handle the Security Information and Event Management tools and their Inability to strain out false alarms may cause performance levels to drop, which is why performance levels aren’t up to the mark required for vital security matters.

The providers of the SOC should have the ability to detect threats so that their clients can sleep peacefully.

Threat hunting while armed

Considering the ever dynamic and strengthening techniques of hackers, identifying every attack and attempt may be very hard, which is why security systems need to stay alert and proactively search for any threat that may cause destruction.

The process requires a thorough investigation into the requirements of the client’s network and the detection of events that can classify as threats.

For the technique to work threat intelligent sources need to be efficient in providing the required details, machine learning and selection of material that can help detect valid security incidents which could impact clients and their companies.

Compliances and industrial regulations

Compliance organisations provide templates for security checks and assessment of vulnerabilities and to observe compliance of organisations and processes to the regulatory measures assigned by the certifying organisatons.

Compliances like HIPAA and HITEC are a necessity for the SOC providers and should be ensured before hiring a team for your cyber security operations.

Advise on strategies

A thorough investigation into their client’s network and the hunt for upcoming threats allows security engineers to gain deep understanding of the company’s network. The detailed knowledge helps them devise a proper defense strategy for the system that lacks the security needed.

SOC with an outlined incident response team and processes and trained specialist allows clients a look into their company’s security posture and helps them understand the importance of increased security. It also adds to the effectiveness of business processes!


According to a survey, 69% respondents considered pricing a major problem in the implementations of cyber security.

Pricing is an important issue for all organisations whether small or large, which is why the organisations providing a fixed pricing solution for their customers are always an asset. SOC’s should not have unpredictable or fluctuating costs in order to accommodate pricing conscious solutions.

Take away

Your choice of service providers should include extensive research and should revolve around aspects that your organisation cannot compromise on. Choose experts, well reputed service providers of SOC London to help with your company’s security details and relax as they work to keep your data protected.

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